
β€œWe were destined to meet, even if our ways will eventually part.”

Nozomi Tōjō

  • Age: 23

  • Gender: Female

  • Birthday: June 9th (Gemini)

  • Blood Type: O

  • Height: 159 cm (5'2)

  • Hobbies: Taking naps and Fortune-Telling

An alumna of Otonokizaka High School and former member of the school idol groupβ€”ΞΌ's.Following her high school career, she attended the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and pursued a degree in linguistics. After graduating, she began work as a foreign language translator and interpreter.Though the days of her time as a school idol are behind her, the bonds made with her friends from ΞΌ's are still strongβ€”just like her love for singing and dancing.Every now and again, one may find her doing a solo performance for fans in her free time or even the occasional autograph signing. However, for the most part, Nozomi has settled into a relatively ordinary life.

Writer Information

  • Alias: Viona

  • Pronouns: She/Her

  • Age: 21+

  • Timezone: Eastern Time (UTC -5:00/-4:00)


I work on weekdays, so replies will be sporadic. I'm usually free on the weekends, so expect increased activity during those times. Generally, I will try to respond at least once a day throughout the week when I have time.

My Mentions and Direct Messages are open to everyone. If you wish to speak with me, please reach out anytime. I'm usually quick to respond.

Writing Style

Advanced Literate/Novella
I have a preference for detailed writing and interactions that focus on character development. I'm somewhat flexible and can adjust depending on my mood and partner.
I apologize in advance, but less detailed RPs are more likely to be dropped by me after a certain point. If this happens, please don't take it personally. I just require a certain level of stimulation to be motivated for longer interactions.

Muse Information

Love Live | Multiverse
I am open to RP with just about any anime or video game verse. I am not above isekai-ing my muse into other worlds.

Content will be primarily SFW, though there is the potential for more mature themes on occasionβ€”never anything too extreme for public viewing, however.

Shipping is a possibility but not a priority and I will be very selective. I'm willing to do up to 3 independent ships and nothing more. No minors.